"I blog therefore I am"


May 01, 2010

oop's I did it again;

Our house isn't the biggest house in the world, it isn't the best dressed des res out there, but it is loved, shared and very well used, especially the dinning room table, that table has seen some of my most extreme "hobbies" and shared in supporting all manner of "money making schemes" for example wine making, beer brewing, photography, radiator cabinet making, bicycle maintenance, to name but a few lets not forget model airplane building, basic wood work, on and on goes the list in fact it ought to write its own biography it would have a tale or two to tell.
Well it has started again "poor old table" now we are building bee hives YES construction has begun the ideas I had before have changed a little and I intent to start with a topbar hive, the table became a work bench for a short time and got covered in glue and splinters as per usual.
However the ends and sides are drying as I write this post, so, more to follow I have included a link to a really good topbar site check it out HERE

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