"I blog therefore I am"


May 25, 2010

Mobile phones to blame for colony colapse disorder and loss of bees

It seems we all might in part be responsible for the death of millions of our tiny buzzing friends, what do you think I would love to read your views?

Check out this link to the Independents article HERE and please leave your thoughts back here for us to read.

May 23, 2010


I must confess to you I am no Eco-warrior however it has been my conscious effort to reduce as much as possible my carbon footprint in developing my beekeeping.
Hive building was to be the key area for this activity I am now building what I think is the most carbon neutral hive I can, topbar, yes I know I was going with Dartington hives but the amount of ply wood involved just made me gasp, big carbon foot print.Instead I am now using recycled wood, very few fixings and a lot of hand sawing,I have allowed myself to use a battery drill/driver and my band-saw but that will be all the power tools I will use.
So next stage is roof building and covering material considerations assuming my new "Eco-warrior" stance I am not sure what to use yet but I will post when I know.
Please check out the link HERE it takes you to an interesting site about reducing your carbon footprint.

May 17, 2010

stung and loving it

Hi all, finally got to see inside a beehive the other day I got stung twice, being brave or rather trying to "experience things properly" I decided to go commando with the bees, well, not no undies commando but no veil commando, you see if I live in fear of getting stung it will become a controlling factor in my approach to my beekeeping, so I decided to experience it first hand and yes it hurts, but not as much as I thought it would, its scary because you can hear the bees but you can't see them. As my friend opened the hive 1 or 2 guard bees decided to go on the rampage and I got "hit" as they say.
So, I now have first hand knowledge of the consequences of bee keeping which includes running around someones garden flapping your arms and pulling off layers of clothing because your not sure where the little buggers are. Highly amusing afterwards though.
My concerned friend was very kind but I bet he laughed later when I had gone home and rightly so.
Am I put off? you may ask, "not on your nelly" I reply, no I feel sure that this is the way forward hive construction continues at a pace and there has been an offer of another site for later use, more later about that.
Long post I know but worth the read I hope?
Check out this link HERE for info on honey bee pollination you will be suprised at what bees do for us.

May 09, 2010

My daughters blog



It's happened a new element of the sticky programme is becoming reality;

The first hive has been started, my first hive has been started, construction went pretty well, as my tools are limited, it could have been better thought out, and maybe I should have followed the plans? however being male that just wouldn't do would it? but I am happy with the outcome. I will post a piccy soon.

Meanwhile please note my email has changed it is now patrick@thestickybeekeeper.co.uk

HERE is a link to another cool site well I think its cool, and as this is my blog it must be cool.

May 05, 2010

It's all about to change;

Hello all its all about to change for me I have decided to take on a domain name I may change my email address and I may setup my own web site? More will follow but for now please enjoy the link to a favorite site of mine HERE I wont tell you what it is but its not about the bees.

May 01, 2010

oop's I did it again;

Our house isn't the biggest house in the world, it isn't the best dressed des res out there, but it is loved, shared and very well used, especially the dinning room table, that table has seen some of my most extreme "hobbies" and shared in supporting all manner of "money making schemes" for example wine making, beer brewing, photography, radiator cabinet making, bicycle maintenance, to name but a few lets not forget model airplane building, basic wood work, on and on goes the list in fact it ought to write its own biography it would have a tale or two to tell.
Well it has started again "poor old table" now we are building bee hives YES construction has begun the ideas I had before have changed a little and I intent to start with a topbar hive, the table became a work bench for a short time and got covered in glue and splinters as per usual.
However the ends and sides are drying as I write this post, so, more to follow I have included a link to a really good topbar site check it out HERE