"I blog therefore I am"


May 17, 2010

stung and loving it

Hi all, finally got to see inside a beehive the other day I got stung twice, being brave or rather trying to "experience things properly" I decided to go commando with the bees, well, not no undies commando but no veil commando, you see if I live in fear of getting stung it will become a controlling factor in my approach to my beekeeping, so I decided to experience it first hand and yes it hurts, but not as much as I thought it would, its scary because you can hear the bees but you can't see them. As my friend opened the hive 1 or 2 guard bees decided to go on the rampage and I got "hit" as they say.
So, I now have first hand knowledge of the consequences of bee keeping which includes running around someones garden flapping your arms and pulling off layers of clothing because your not sure where the little buggers are. Highly amusing afterwards though.
My concerned friend was very kind but I bet he laughed later when I had gone home and rightly so.
Am I put off? you may ask, "not on your nelly" I reply, no I feel sure that this is the way forward hive construction continues at a pace and there has been an offer of another site for later use, more later about that.
Long post I know but worth the read I hope?
Check out this link HERE for info on honey bee pollination you will be suprised at what bees do for us.

1 comment:

  1. Please credit my photo of a bee on a pomegranate blossom to my blog at http://startingoutinbeekeeping.blogspot.com/. Thank you for respecting my copyright.
